APRIL 21, 2016



1. Call to order by Mayor Carroll
A. Prayer and Pledge

2. Approval of the Agenda –

3. Citizen Comments – (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each).

4. Awards and/or Recognitions –

5. Public Announcements –

6. Staff Comments –

7. Approval of the Minutes – (only needed if removed from consent agenda)

8. Consent Agenda Consisting of Items as Follows:
A. Approval of the Minutes from the April 7, 2016 Board of Commissioners Workshop
B. Approval of the Minutes from the April 7, 2016 Board of Commissioners Public Hearing
C. Approval of the Minutes from the April 7, 2016 Board of Commissioners Meeting
D. Second and Final Reading of Bill #2016-05, Ordinance No. 919, An Ordinance to Change the Zoning of Certain Property in the City of Fairview, Tennessee, Located at 2652 Fairview Boulevard, Owned by Gary Jaworski and Wife, Glenda Jaworski, as Shown on, Williamson County, Tax Map 69, Parcel 32.00, From RS-40 to CG (Commercial General)
E. Second and Final Reading of Bill #2016-16, Ordinance No. 920, An Ordinance for an Amendment to the City of Fairview, Tennessee, Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget (Roadscapes Project)

9. Old Business
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Vacation Buy Down for Police Department – Daugherty
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on City Manager Hiring – Carroll

10. New Business
A. Discuss and/or Take Action on Certificate of Compliance for Wine in Grocery Stores at Publix – Hall
B. Discuss and/or Take Action on Audit Proposal – Daugherty
C. Discuss and/or Take Action on Limits for City Boundaries – Hall
D. Discuss and/or Take Action on Bill #2016-08, Ordinance No. 922, An Ordinance for an Amendment to the City of Fairview, Tennessee, Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget (TAN Closing Costs & Interest) – Daugherty
E. Discuss and/or Take Action on Bill #2016-09, Ordinance No. 923, An Ordinance for an Amendment to the City of Fairview, Tennessee, Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget (GAN Closing Costs & Interest) – Daugherty
F. Discuss and/or Take Action on Bill #2016-10, Ordinance No. 924, An Ordinance for an Amendment to the City of Fairview, Tennessee, Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget (Fleet Reallocation) – Daugherty
G. Discuss and/or Take Action on Bill #2016-11, Ordinance No. 925, An Ordinance for an Amendment to the City of Fairview, Tennessee, Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget (Police Department Reallocation) – Daugherty
H. Discuss and/or Take Action on Bill #2016-12, Ordinance No. 926, An Ordinance for an Amendment to the City of Fairview, Tennessee, Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget (Tree Bank Appropriation)- Daugherty
I. Discuss and/or Take Action on Impact Fee – Sutton
J. Discuss and/or Take Action on Amendment 4 to Roadscapes Grant – Hall

11. City Manager Items for Discussion –
A. Miscellaneous Updates –
B. City Attorney Comments –

12. Communications from the Mayor and Commissioners –

13. Adjournment.



This entire Agenda and all the attached documents for the Board of Commissioners meeting for the date noted herein is a draft and subject to change in accordance with the City Charter, State Statutes, and applicable City Ordinance(s) through the date the Board of Commissioners Meeting is conducted.

Any matters that may be added to the agenda after this posting or the night of the actual meeting will not be included in this posting. It is anticipated such matters will be held to a minimum but the City reserves the absolute right to add any item to the Agenda in accordance with applicable Statutes and or Ordinances.