DECEMBER 5, 2024
7:00 P.M.



1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Mayor Comments

5. Approval of Agenda

6. Citizen Comments (limited to 3 minutes each – sign up prior to meeting)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions
A. City Events

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. City Manager Comments

9. Consent Agenda (any item may be removed for individual consideration)
A. Minutes from November 7, 2024, Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting.

10. Old Business
A. Rezoning – 7208 Cox Pike
1. Public Hearing
2. Second and Final Reading, Ordinance 2024-16, An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fairview, Tennessee, by rezoning 1.51 (+/-) acres of property located at 7208 Cox Pike, consisting of Williamson County Tax Map 042H Group E, Parcel 001.00, from RS-40 (Single Family Residential) to RS-15 (Single Family Residential), Property Owner: Tony Cavender. (City Planner)

B. Resolution 44-24, A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fairview, Tennessee, authorizing the Mayor to execute the Site Development Agreement Contract for Aignep Expansion. (City Engineer)

11. New Business
A. Resolution 51-24, A Resolution of the City of Fairview, Tennessee, Board of Commissioners appointing a Vice Mayor.

B. Resolution 52-24, A Resolution authorizing the City of Fairview Fire Department to participate in the James L. Richardson “Driver Training” matching grant program. (Fire Chief)

C. Resolution 53-24, A Resolution supporting the submission of an application for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program for funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency as well as support for the required matching funds from the City of Fairview. (Fire Chief)

D. Resolution 54-24, A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fairview, Tennessee, confirming the appointment of one (1) citizen to the Parks and Landscape Board.

E. Resolution 55-24, A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fairivew, Tennessee, authorizing Team Construction LLC to preform open-cut excavation along Chester Road. (City Engineer)

F. Resolution 56-24, A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fairview, Tennessee, to adopt the 2024 Williamson County Hazard Mitigation Plan. (City Manager)

G. Resolution 57-24, A Resolution awarding the bid to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Cunningham Construction & Development LLC for the ARPA Stormwater Improvement projects. (City Manager)

H. Ordinance 2024-17, An Ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Fairview, Tennessee, by Rezoning a 1.27 (+/-) acre portion of the 5.60 (+/-) acre parcel located at 7103 Wiley Circle, consisting of Williamson County Tax Map 042H Group C, Parcel 008.00, from C-1 (Commercial Zoning District) to RS-8 (Single Family Residential Zoning District), Property Owner: Wiley Circle Investment (City Planner)

I. Ordinance 2024-18, An Ordinance for an amendment to the City of Fairview, Tennessee, budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 budget. (City Manager)

J. Ordinance 2024-19, An Ordinance of the City of Fairview, Tennessee, approving an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Section 6-102.10 General Exceptions to Height Regulations, Section 8-103.3(1) General Exceptions to Height Regulations, and Section 9-103.3(1) General Exceptions to Height Regulations to provide clarity to permitted exceptions to height regulations and to provide a height exception for all land uses within the Community Facilities land use category as listed in Section 3-103.2. (City Planner)

12. Roundtable: Mayor and Commissioners

13. Meeting Adjournment



This entire Agenda and all the attached documents for the Board of Commissioners meeting for the date noted herein is a draft and subject to change in accordance with the City Charter, State Statutes, and applicable City Ordinance(s) through the date the Board of Commissioners Meeting is conducted.

Any matters that may be added to the agenda after this posting or the night of the actual meeting will not be included in this posting. It is anticipated such matters will be held to a minimum but the City reserves the absolute right to add any item to the Agenda in accordance with applicable Statutes and or Ordinances.