Meeting Agenda Posts

BOC Agenda: 09-05-2019

6:30 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Beer Violations
A. Flash Market, 1425 Highway 96
B. Flying J, 1420 Highway 96
C. Dollar General, 2391 Fairview Boulevard
D. Fred’s, 2415 Fairview Boulevard

4. Prayer and Pledge

5. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

6. Public Hearing(s)

7. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

8. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions

9. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports

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BOC Agenda: 08-01-2019

AUGUST 1, 2019
7:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Police Report
B. Fire Report
C. Public Works Report

9. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)

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Parks and Landscaping Agenda: 08-06-2019

Tuesday – August 6, 2019
7 p.m.


1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from July 2, 2019 (Tuesday)

5. Old Business
5.1 Bowie Park Playgound Replacement – updates on coming events
5.2 Review of Independence Day Event
5.3 Updates/Discussion – History Village Santa Photos

6. New Business

7. Citizen Comments

8. Adjournment:

The next City of Fairview Parks and Landscaping board meeting date:
– Tuesday – September 3, 2019 – 7PM at City Hall –…

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BOC Agenda: 07-18-2019

JULY 18, 2019
6:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Beer Violations
A. Flash Market, 1425 Highway 96
B. Flying J, 1420 Highway 96
C. Dollar General, 2391 Fairview Boulevard
D. Fred’s, 2415 Fairview Boulevard

4. Prayer and Pledge

5. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

6. Public Hearing(s)

7. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

8. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions

9. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports

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BOC Agenda: 07-11-2019

JULY 11, 2019
7:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Police Chief
B. Fire Chief
C. Public Works

9. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)
A. Minutes from the June 20, 2019 Board of Commissioners Meeting

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Parks and Landscaping Agenda: 07-02-2019

Tuesday – July 2, 2019
7 p.m.


1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from June 4, 2019 (Tuesday)

5. Old Business
5.1 Updates on History Village Santa Event
5.2 Discussion on Independence Day Celebration ties to City 60th Anniversary

6. New Business
6.1 Bowie Playground – updates and discussion
6.2 Median – updates and discussion

7. Citizen Comments

8. Adjournment

The next City of Fairview Parks and Landscaping board meeting date:
– Tuesday – August 6, 2019 – 7PM at City Hall –…

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BOC Agenda: 06-20-2019

JUNE 20, 2019
7:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. City Manager
B. City Attorney

9. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)
A. Minutes from the June 6, 2019 Board of Commissioners Meeting

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Planning Commission Agenda: 06-11-2019

June 11, 2019
Regular Meeting @ 7 p.m.


• Opening Prayer and Pledge
• Approval of Agenda
• Citizen Comments (limited to the first five citizens to sign in and three minutes each)
• Approval of Minutes: May 14, 2019 – Regular Meeting



1. Sweetbriar Springs Subdivision, Discussion on Current Road and Curb Profile, Owner Marlon Cunningham


1. Wynwood Park Subdivision Phase One, Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit expires June 29, 2019


• City Planning Staff
• City Manager
• City Engineer
• City Attorney



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BOC Agenda: 06-06-2019

JUNE 6, 2019
7:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)
A. Item 10B, Section 8 (Tax Rate)
B. Item 10B (Budget)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions
A. Dairy Month Proclamation

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Police Chief
B. Fire Chief

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Parks and Landscaping Agenda: 06-04-2019

Tuesday – June 4, 2019
7 p.m.


1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from May 7, 2019 (Tuesday)

5. Old Business
5.1 Updates on History Village Santa Event
5.2 Discussion on Independence Day Celebration ties to City 60th Anniversary

6. New Business

7. Citizen Comments

8. Adjournment:

The next City of Fairview Parks and Landscaping board meeting date:
– Tuesday – July 2, 2019 – 7PM at City Hall –…

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