Meeting Agenda Posts

BOC Agenda: 02-02-2023

February 2, 2023
7:00 P.M.


1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s) (to be done with items)

6. Citizen Comments (limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions
A. City Events

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Planning Report
B. Finance Report
C. Public Works Report
D. City Manager Report


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BOC Agenda: 01-19-2023

January 19, 2023
7:00 P.M.


1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s) (to be done with items)

6. Citizen Comments (limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions
A. City Events

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Police Report
B. Fire Report
C. City Manager Report

9. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)

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BOC Agenda: 01-05-2023

January 5, 2023
7:00 P.M.

5:30 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions
A. City Events

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Planning Report

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Board Of Zoning Appeals: 01-10-2023

JANUARY 10, 2023
6:00 P.M.

City of Fairview
Board of Zoning Appeals
Notice of Public Hearing

The City of Fairview, TN Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, 1/10/2023 at 6:30 PM in the Fairview City Hall Court Chambers, located at 7100 City Center Way, to hear the following requests:

PUBLIC HEARING – To hear public opinion on an application by Jim Lukens, PE, Lukens Engineering, Inc for Map: 042G A Parcel: 004.00, Owner: Marilyn H Holder Trust.…

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BOC Agenda: 12-15-2022

December 15, 2022
7:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions
A. City Events

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Fire Report
B. Police Report
C. City Manager Report

9. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)

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Planning Commission Agenda: 12-13-2022

Fairview Planning Commission
December 13, 2022

Work Session Agenda

12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
City of Fairview
Zoning Ordinance Update Review

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
City Center
Development Review
Bellehaven Subdivision
Master Development Plan Reinstatement



December 13, 2022
Meeting @ 7 p.m.


• Call to Order
• Opening Prayer and Pledge
• Approval of Agenda
• Citizen Comments (limited to the first five citizens to sign in and three minutes each)
• Approval of Minutes: November 15, 2022 Special Meeting



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BOC Agenda: 12-01-2022

December 1, 2022
7:00 P.M.


*Swearing in of Mayor and New Board Members*

1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions
A. City Events

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Fire Report
B. Police Report
C. City Manager Report


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BOC Agenda: 11-17-2022

November 17, 2022
7:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions
A. City Events

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Planning Report
B. Finance Report
C. Public Works Report
D. City Manager Report

9. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)

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Planning Commission Agenda: 11-15-2022

November 15, 2022
Special Meeting @ 7 p.m.


• Call to Order
• Opening Prayer and Pledge
• Approval of Agenda
• Citizen Comments (limited to the first five citizens to sign in and three minutes each)
• Approval of Minutes: October 18, 2022 Special Meeting


1. PC Resolution PC-64-22, 2023 City of Fairview Municipal Planning Commission Schedule

2. PC Resolution PC-65-22, Residential Site Plan, Highland Trace Townhomes Project, 71 Residential Units on 10.93 Acres, Map: 021, Parcels: 046.06 and 046.09.…

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BOC Agenda: 11-03-2022

November 3, 2022
7:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions
A. City Events

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Fire Report
B. Police Report
C. City Manager Report

9. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)

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