The City of Fairview Police Department is responsible for the protection of the citizenry. They enforce all local and state ordinances and laws. The city also operates a drug enforcement department and has been very successful with interdiction of drugs and confiscation of funds and vehicles. Criminal investigation is also handled locally.
Williamson County E-911 provides Fairview’s emergency communications and dispatch. Locally all records and files are handled by the clerk and filed with the State.
Police Chief
Zack Humphreys-
Police Dept Office: (615) 799-2435
Fairview Police Department
7100 City Center Way
Fairview, TN 37062
At any time, if you wish to unsubscribe to all future text messages from the City Of Fairview as well as any other Nixle system alerts you may have subscribed to, simply reply to any of the texts you’ve received and type STOP ALL in the text message body and send the message.
Fairview PD: Drug Take Back Program
The Fairview Police Department in conjunction with DEA and other Departments in the Nation have joined together to aid in the disposal of unused or expired medications. Just bring your expired or unused medication to the Police Department and we will dispose of them for you.
Williamson County Crime Stoppers: 794-4000
Williamson County Crime Stoppers serves all the communities in Williamson County including: Franklin, Fairview, Nolensville, College Grove, Triune, Arlington, Thompson Station and Spring Hill. Crime Stoppers can also be extremely beneficial in combating the crime problem. It is an effective resource in which private citizens join together with law enforcement to solve difficult crimes. Often citizens do not contact the police with information that could help solve a crime out of fear that if they reveal their own identity they would expose themselves or their family to acts of retaliation by the criminal. Through Crime Stoppers citizens who have knowledge of a specific crime are encouraged to contact the police with this information. Crime Stoppers allows any citizen to come forward with information and remain anonymous. The citizen is assured that their identity is protected and that any information reported will be utilized. Citizens are issued a code number that will be used to identify them. This code number is used to inquire on the status of the reported crime and collect reward money. Crimes Stoppers objectives are to furnish law enforcement agencies with information about criminal activity that would otherwise be unobtainable and to motivate public involvement with law enforcement efforts. Williamson County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1000 for information called into 794-4000 that leads to an arrest and indictment. Callers will remain anonymous, they will only be known by the code number they are issued.
Frequently Asked Questions
- If I call Crime Stoppers will I be involved in the case? No. Your identity will be kept completely anonymous.
- Will I be asked to testify? No.
- Will I be implicated in the crime? No.
- How will I be identified when I call Crime Stoppers? Each caller is assigned a number when they call in, and you use the same number if you choose to call back.
- What do I have to do to receive my reward? If the case leads to an arrest and indictment, call in and give your number and decide on a meeting place.
- Why would I want to report a crime to Crime Stoppers? Crime Stoppers of Williamson County is working with your help to make your community a safer place to live.