Fire Department

Closeup image of the side of a fire truck showing gauges and levers used in the vehicle control systems.
Fairview Fire Department
7131 Bowie Lake Road
Fairview, TN 37062
3 ISO Class

Fire Chief

Scott Hughes
Emergency: Dial 911
    Tel: (615) 799-FIRE (3473)
  • FAX: (615) 799-0701

History of the Fairview Fire Department

In 1990, the Fairview Volunteer Fire Department was established. They served the City of Fairview and the unincorporated areas of  Western Williamson County faithfully until 2001 when the City began providing fire protection with the appointment of its first full-time Chief and two day-time personnel. Effective July 2003, the department began 24-hour protection of the City with 6 full-time suppression personnel. Volunteers were a vital part of providing fire protection for the citizens during the establishment and growth of The Fairview Fire Department.

Fire Fire Department Helmet
Community Risk Reduction


Fire Prevention and Education

The Fairview Fire Department is committed to not only stopping fires but preventing them. To educate the citizens of Fairview the department regularly holds classes and demonstrations to teach residents how to prevent fires and other emergencies at home or at work. Fairview Fire is also present for citywide events such as Nature Fest, EMS Night Lights, Touch-A-Truck events, and the City’s 4th of July event to answer questions and educated attendees about Fairview Fire Departments’ capabilities. Fairview Fire Station 31 is open to the public for tours. If you have a group over five, please contact the Fire Department to schedule a date and time.


The City of Fairview has adopted the “2018 International Fire Code” and the “National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code”. As part of the ordinance adopting these two codes an amendment to the sprinkler requirement was also adopted to include all commercial buildings 5000 square feet or larger. The department currently has two fire inspectors on staff who provide fire and life safety inspections throughout the city for new and existing structures. Fairview Fire also conducts annual pre-plan and courtesy inspections for all commercial buildings within the city.

Any fire plans needing approval shall be submitted to the Fire Chief or Fire Marshal for review though the City’s Codes Department via the IDT Plans portal. This does not include additional copies that the Building and Codes Department may require. Businesses needing life safety inspections should contact the Fire Department to schedule a date and time.


How many smoke detectors do I need and where should I put them?

Smoke detectors should be placed on every level of your home and in sleeping areas. If you have specific questions about your home, we are happy to come out and provide information regarding the installation of smoke detectors in your home. For more information, contact (615) 799-3473 or send email to Fire Marshal.


Training & Credentials

The City of Fairview Fire Department is committed to providing the best services possible. To ensure this standard is met the department requires each employee to maintain certain training standards and certifications. In addition to the minimum standards, specialized training is required for promotional positions within the department. City of Fairview Fire Department personnel are required to participate in 40-hours of Tennessee Fire Commission in-service training annually. In addition, personnel are required to participate in 200+ hours of prescribed ISO training.

The Training Division provides fire, medical, rescue, hazardous material, and leadership training to meet all departmental, state, and federal standards in regard to professional firefighter qualifications. It conducts regular training to ensure that responding personnel are competent in their duties & safe in the manner of their response.

Training Tower


7131 Bowie Lake Rd. | Fairview, TN 37062
Phone: (615) 799-3473 | Fax: (615) 799-0701

Completed in 2010, Station 31 houses up to 7 on duty shift personnel:
3 Administrative personnel, and 2 Williamson County Health EMS personnel.

Equipment responding from Station 31 includes:
Engine 31, Ladder 31, Rescue 31, Tanker 31, Brush 31, Medic 4