Fire Chief
Scott Hughes-
Tel: (615) 799-FIRE (3473) -
FAX: (615) 799-0701
History of the Fairview Fire Department
In 1990, the Fairview Volunteer Fire Department was established. They served the City of Fairview and the unincorporated areas of Western Williamson County faithfully until 2001 when the City began providing fire protection with the appointment of its first full-time Chief and two day-time personnel. Effective July 2003, the department began 24-hour protection of the City with 6 full-time suppression personnel. Volunteers were a vital part of providing fire protection for the citizens during the establishment and growth of The Fairview Fire Department.
Scott Hughes
Fire Chief
Serving Since 2013
Jake Warren
Training Officer
Since 2017
Sean Sullivan
Fire Marshal
Since 2010
Jason Lankford
Since 2003
Shift: A
Kyle Jones
Since 2004
Shift: C
Jesse Woodard
Since 2006
Shift: B
Clay Gholson
Since 2011
Shift: A
Brandon Walker
Since 2017
Shift: C
Nick Persinger
Since 2013
Shift: B
Chad Harrah
Since 2013
Shift: C
Chad DeLano
Since 2013
Shift: C
Dakota Day
Since 2014
Shift: A
Jake Duffield
Since 2016
Shift: B
Sean Grandowicz
Since 2018
Shift: A
Adam Wynne
Since 2022
Shift: B
John Sheets
Since 2022
Shift: A
Elijah Thomason
Since 2023
Shift: B
Dana Driscoll
Since 2023
Shift: A
Tate Hayes
Since 2024
Adam DeLaBruere
Since 2024
Nyk Huber
Since 2024
Fire Prevention and Education
The Fairview Fire Department is committed to not only stopping fires but preventing them. To educate the citizens of Fairview the department regularly holds classes and demonstrations to teach residents how to prevent fires and other emergencies at home or at work. Fairview Fire is also present for citywide events such as Nature Fest, EMS Night Lights, Touch-A-Truck events, and the City’s 4th of July event to answer questions and educated attendees about Fairview Fire Departments’ capabilities. Fairview Fire Station 31 is open to the public for tours. If you have a group over five, please contact the Fire Department to schedule a date and time.
The City of Fairview has adopted the “2018 International Fire Code” and the “National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code”. As part of the ordinance adopting these two codes an amendment to the sprinkler requirement was also adopted to include all commercial buildings 5000 square feet or larger. The department currently has two fire inspectors on staff who provide fire and life safety inspections throughout the city for new and existing structures. Fairview Fire also conducts annual pre-plan and courtesy inspections for all commercial buildings within the city.
Any fire plans needing approval shall be submitted to the Fire Chief or Fire Marshal for review though the City’s Codes Department via the IDT Plans portal. This does not include additional copies that the Building and Codes Department may require. Businesses needing life safety inspections should contact the Fire Department to schedule a date and time.
ISO Rating
Insurance Service Office (ISO) is an independent company that serves insurance companies, communities, fire departments, insurance regulators, and others by providing information about risk. They collect and evaluate information from communities in the United States on their structure fire suppression capabilities. ISO’s expert staff collects information about municipal fire suppression efforts in communities throughout the United States. The data is analyzed using their Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS) and then a Public Protection Classification (PPC™) grade (from 1 to 10) is assigned to the community. Class 1 represents an exemplary fire suppression program, and Class 10 indicates that the area’s fire suppression program does not meet ISO’s minimum criteria. The surveys are conducted whenever it appears that there is a possibility of a PPC change. As such, the PPC program provides important, up-to-date information about fire protection services throughout the country. ISO’s PPC program evaluates communities according to a uniform set of criteria, incorporating nationally recognized standards developed by the National Fire Protection Association and the American Water Works Association.
City of Fairview residents could see a decrease in their homeowner’s and commercial property insurance premiums thanks to new initiatives pushed forward by The Fairview Fire Department. Fairview Fire was able to achieve a Class 3 ISO rating which puts the Fairview Fire Department in the top 9% ISO-graded fire departments in the country. This is something we have worked very hard to achieve and we couldn’t be prouder of our department. Fairview Fire would like to encourage all Fairview residents and businesses within the city to notify their insurance carriers as to the ISO rate change. Don’t forget to mention your distance from a fire hydrant, as this can also make a difference in insurance premiums. The new Class 3 rating took effect on April 1, 2018.
Protecting & Educating
The Fairview Fire Department, valuing its role as a community partner, offers a variety of resources related to safety and education. The Fire Prevention Division currently offers the following services to residents and businesses in Fairview:
Smoke Detectors
Knox Boxes
Public Education Events
Smoke Alarms
The Fairview Fire Department is a proud partner with “Get Alarmed, TN!”
“Get Alarmed, TN” is a grant-funded fire safety education and smoke alarm installation program administered by the State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO). Launched in November 2012, the program distributes fire safety education and 10-year sealed battery smoke alarms to participating fire departments. The fire departments then deliver the education and install smoke alarms in at-risk homes across the state. If you need working smoke alarms in your home please call (615) 799-3473, contact the Fire Marshall, or click the button.
Knox Box
The units, or “Knox Boxes,” eliminate the need for costly forced entry and allow fire personnel quick access to your building. Knox Boxes are made to withstand extreme climate and environmental conditions and, as their name implies, are as secure as Fort Knox. Knox Boxes are required by city code for the following:
Any new commercial occupancy
Any multi-family residential structure that has restricted access through locked doors and has a common corridor to access the living units
Any non-residential building where a fire detection or suppression system is monitored by an alarm company or has an external audible alarm
Knox Boxes are also a great idea for those with limited mobility or home alarm systems. For more information call the Fairview Fire Department at (615) 799-3473 or visit the Knox Box website.
Public Education Events
The Fairview Fire Department facilitates several public education events every year please contact us at (615) 799-3473 or Fire Marshal Sean Sullivan ssullivan@fairview-tn.org for current public education events, station tours, or to set up an event.
How many smoke detectors do I need and where should I put them?
Smoke detectors should be placed on every level of your home and in sleeping areas. If you have specific questions about your home, we are happy to come out and provide information regarding the installation of smoke detectors in your home. For more information, contact (615) 799-3473 or send email to Fire Marshal.
What can I burn? Where can I burn?
For answers to your open burning questions please call (615) 799-3473.
Can I have a cooking or campfire in my back yard?
Yes, but only if you adhere to the guidelines of the City of Fairview’s open burning regulations. The wood stack can be no larger than two (2) feet high by three (3) feet wide and you can only use clean, seasoned firewood or its equivalent.
Can we schedule a tour of the fire station?
Yes, please contact the station at (615) 799-3473 to schedule a tour of our facilities.
Does the Fire Department check car seats?
The Fairview Fire Department does not check car seats, this service is available through the Fairview Police Department (615) 799-2435
Can I get my blood pressure taken by the Fire Department?
Yes, please stop by the Fire Station at 7131 Bowie Lake Rd. for blood pressure readings.
Should I have a carbon monoxide detector in my home?
Yes, carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, invisible gas that can cause significant illness and potentially death. Gas hot water heaters, furnaces, stoves, and vehicles emit carbon monoxide when not properly maintained and ventilated. Only a carbon monoxide detector can warn you of dangerous levels that could debilitate you and your family.
Where can I get my fire extinguisher refilled?
Unfortunately, the Fire Department is unable to refill your fire extinguisher. Please check the Yellow Pages or perform a web search for a company that specializes in servicing fire extinguisher.
Training & Credentials
The City of Fairview Fire Department is committed to providing the best services possible. To ensure this standard is met the department requires each employee to maintain certain training standards and certifications. In addition to the minimum standards, specialized training is required for promotional positions within the department. City of Fairview Fire Department personnel are required to participate in 40-hours of Tennessee Fire Commission in-service training annually. In addition, personnel are required to participate in 200+ hours of prescribed ISO training.
The Training Division provides fire, medical, rescue, hazardous material, and leadership training to meet all departmental, state, and federal standards in regard to professional firefighter qualifications. It conducts regular training to ensure that responding personnel are competent in their duties & safe in the manner of their response.
7131 Bowie Lake Rd. | Fairview, TN 37062
Phone: (615) 799-3473 | Fax: (615) 799-0701
Completed in 2010, Station 31 houses up to 7 on duty shift personnel:
3 Administrative personnel, and 2 Williamson County Health EMS personnel.
Equipment responding from Station 31 includes:
Engine 31, Ladder 31, Rescue 31, Tanker 31, Brush 31, Medic 4
1325 Hwy 96 North | Fairview, TN 37062
Station 32 is an unmanned satellite station which houses Engine 32.